Education as a tool to bridge the gap between Academia and the general public - Ocean Literacy as case study

'Ocean Literacy' is a term that has been used since the 1990s to define general knowledge and awareness of our oceans. In the framework of the 'UN Ocean Decade' raising ocean literacy is one of the main goals. In academic education we can implement innovative educational tools and methods so that students learn to act as mediators between academic research and the broad public.

During this lecture using concrete examples we will demonstrate a wide variety of potential possibilities to do just that. What's more, these tools and methods can also be applied in other research domains.

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Education as a tool to bridge the gap between Academia and the general public - Ocean Literacy as case study

Available online


Tuesday May 3, 2022 - 7pm-8pm

Depending on the prevailing corona measures at the time of the lecture it will be held on campus and/or online. By the latest on the Monday before the lecture you will receive an e-mail with detailed information (link to online lecture and/or location details). If the lecture is held on campus it will take place on Campus Sterre, Krijgslaan 281, 9000 Gent. Campus Sterre can be reached easily by public transport. Should you choose to come by car you can enter and exit the campus freely. The barriers will open automatically.

Registration required

All lectures are free. Enrolling is required and is possible via the EventManager. This enables us to contact you via e-mail in case of last minute changes. Should you be unable to attend a lecture for which you are enrolled, please let us know via so we can assign your place to another participant.